A strategic business and brand consultancy.

Unearthing and bringing to life the authentic and compelling stories that power growth and move metrics.



What we do

With twenty five years experience architecting growth for global and local businesses and brands, we offer the following services …


We help clients clarify the purpose, ambition and potential for their business, select the right strategy to achieve their goals, and communicate their strategy and vision in a compelling way to all  key stakeholders.

  • Only 37% of companies feel they have a well defined strategy.

    Only 26% said their company was shaping their future, rather than responding to competition and market forces.

    Only 21% of companies are clear on what capabilities are their most important.

    Companies that get strategy right are 3x more likely to report higher than average growth, and 2x more likely to report above average profit

    Source: PWC, Strategy&

  • Our strategy discovery process walks clients through their business, identifying the risks and rewards of different strategies, ensuring the right one is selected.

    We look at your business’s current configuration, capabilities and processes, budgets, funding, performance and positioning against competitors. We workshop ideas with your team, if needed, challenge your thinking, and then integrate conclusions into a coherent strategic plan.

  • Write formal strategy-driven reviews and business plans, with timebound financial objectives, and strategic targets.

    Create specific tools, briefing documents, and information memos to communicate your strategy to your teams, suppliers, customers and investors.

    Write annual operating plans and budgets that help keep you and your teams accountable.

    Collaborate with in-house teams to formulate department level plans.

    Provide coaching, and management meeting facilitation, to track progress and strategise solutions to new problems.


We help growing businesses understand and communicate their purpose, and encode their desired culture into organizational design, management processes and behaviors that deliver results.

  • Purpose driven brands grow 3x faster than their competitors.

    Purpose driven companies have higher workforce and customer satisfaction.

    28% of consumers consider how the companies they buy from treat their employees.

    20% consider how companies treat the environment.

    19% consider how companies support their communities.

    Only 21% of companies are clear on what capabilities are the most important.

    Only 16% say they have a program to build and scale the company’s most important capabilities.

    Source: Deloitte 2019 Consumer Pulsing Survey

  • A powerful culture overcomes so many challenges, but building it is both art and science.

    Each business must find its own unique approach that fits with the personality of its leaders, its ambitions, and the composition of the team, and must then be communicated and reinforced.

  • We can help with CULTURE, to -

    Develop your team culture, understanding and documenting core values, and helping you bring them to life in your organization.

    Encode your cultural values into specific behaviors and rituals that reinforce your business strategy, your brand and your communication, so your culture pervades your organization.

    We can help with ORGANISATION PLANNING to -

    Map the value creation flow of your business across your organization.

    Write department functions, job descriptions and performance targets for each function, to allow clients to the recruit and manage the performance of teams.

    Develop inspiring tools - employee handbooks, induction processes, onboarding programs – to get your team aligned and keep it that way.

    We also run Project Management Workshops to assist cross-departmental cooperation.


We develop brands that connect deeply and inspire. Blending strategic insight and a keen understanding of your business strategy, we help build your powerful brand, and provide the tools and systems for nurturing and managing it over time.

  • Purpose driven brands grow 3x faster than their competitors. (PWC)

    64% of women and 68% of men have felt an emotional connection with a brand. (Consumer thermometer)

    59% of shoppers prefer to buy new products from brands they trust. (Invesp)

    88% of consumers say authenticity is key when choosing brands. (Stackla 2018)

    89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values. (Fundera)

    Great branding can reduce by as much 50% hiring and training costs. (Lyfemarketing)

    Presenting a brand consistently can increase revenue by 33%. (Lucidpress 2019).

    Consistently presented brands are 3.5x more visible to customers. (Demand Metric)

  • Your brand is your most powerful asset. Not just your logo, or your name, but the reputation and image that you have built up. It needs consistent expression and reinforcement. It’s the “shorthand” that conveys and reinforces the best, most powerful values of your business to customers, and all your stakeholders.

    Is your brand clear, memorable, appealing and relevant?

    Does it align with your core strengths and values, in a way that differentiates it from competitors? Will it allow you to achieve your business objectives? Is it being well managed?

  • Craft from scratch a brand identity and strategy built on fresh foundations, defining clear brand values and desired associations.

    Analyse and revitalize your current brand so it travels and communicates more powerfully.

    Design strategic and coherent brand systems, sub brands and brand extensions that support growth.

    Create the names, logos, identity systems ( verbal and visual) and guidelines that will support you in conveying your brand consistently, across platforms and over time.


Innovation is the engine of growth. And experiences are the essence of stories told and retold. We help clients select, develop and launch new innovation concepts and experiences in a way that reduces risk and maximizes the likelihood of success and impact.

  • 95% of Innovation fails, that’s 19 out of 20 attempts. (Harvard Business School Prof. Clayton Christensen)

    84% of executives say innovation is important to growth. (McKinsey)

    84% of executives say innovation is very or extremely important to future success. (Accenture).

    Innovative organizations have higher revenue (+11%) and higher profits (+22% ebitda). (Strategy& ( PWC)

    Reasons for Innovation failure:
    42% say it takes too long,
    32% select the wrong ideas,
    31% have a risk averse culture,
    25% have lack of coordination.
    (BCG Global Innovation Survey 2015)

    86% of customers say they are ready to pay more if it means getting a better customer experience.

    80% of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its product or service.
    (Jon Suarez Davis, Salesforce “State of Marketing”)

  • Everyone loves something new, the allure of a better future. Innovation can come through your product, service, and the customer experience you deliver. As long as it comes.
    Or you’ll be left behind.

    But most innovations fail to deliver an effective return on investment, and customer experiences remain ho-hum.

    Investing in innovation is a risk: will the upfront investments in research, development, prototyping, sampling, training, certification and communication pay off?

    We help clients increase the likelihood of innovation and experience design success.

  • Facilitate structured insight generation and concept development.

    Develop creative multi sensorial experience design.

    Model the financial impact of new innovations and new customer experiences over time.

    Prioritize and roadmap future innovation concepts and experiences across your portfolio, linking your innovation and customer experience efforts to your strategic plan.


We help clients develop strategic marketing and communication plans that will connect with customers and new prospects in a more direct, compelling and efficient way. 

  • Tightly aligned companies achieve 24% faster 3yr revenue growth and 27% faster profit growth. (Hubspot)

    Sales and marketing alignment can help bueinsesse become 67% better at closing deals. (Marketo)

    50% of sales time is wasted on poor prospects. (Sales hub)

    65% of sales reps say they can’t find content to send to propsects. (Kapost)

    50% of small businesses don’t know how to market their business.

    Among 500 small to medium sized organisations, 42% unaware of how to market their firm.

    39% don’t have a website.


  • There are many good agencies who can help build communication tools, websites, and social media feeds, place ads on your behalf and run events for you.

    We specialize in the steps before that happens, helping to answer the strategic questions like -

    Who is the core target audience, and what do we need them to do?

    What is the best on brand messaging strategy to pursuade them?

    How do we deliver that message powerfully, effectively and efficiently to drive conversion?

    How do we ensure they buy again?

    We translate the business’s financial and brand objectives into clear, concrete marketing objectives, which guide the formulation of a marketing strategy.

  • Build your marketing strategy, messaging strategy, and formulate marketing programs.

    Develop and write your business’s annual marketing plan and budget, or focus on a specific launch campaign.

    Copywrite your messaging strategy into key presentations and selling tools, e.g. press releases.

    Develop clear briefs for your creative, media and digital agencies, or manage them on your behalf.

    Guide and mentor your marketing team, acting as a coach or part time CMO (Chief Marketing Officer).


Creating value through the power of rigorous strategy, culture and authentic stories.

Antony Pearce is a C-suite veteran (“I survived!”) with 25 years’ experience architecting growth for global and local businesses, who founded Hook & Anchor to create value and drive growth through the power of strategy, culture and stories. Antony has inspired, developed and led businesses, brands and teams in design, infrastructure, consumer goods, and hospitality.

His core belief:  Knowing “why” is the most important thing. That singular purpose creates energy and momentum among teams, customers, suppliers and investors.

  • … Antony worked with award winning global interiors company Timothy Oulton, guiding its international retail expansion in the USA, UK and Asia, its strategic forays into hospitality (not just as a business, but as an ethos!), and strengthening its foundations of artisanal handcraftsmanship. Prior to that he enjoyed a 15-year international career marketing sustainable residential, architectural and urban lighting solutions with Philips (now Signify), the world’s largest lighting company.

    As well as working on established global brands worth $billions, Antony has overseen the development of multiple new branded businesses, one with turnover now in excess of $70millon, another over $10 million, and a variety of smaller growth businesses. This across the value chain, allows him to see a 360 degree view of business.

Get in touch

Contact us.

Antony Pearce

+61 497 524 854

265 President Ave, Miranda, NSW, Australia

159A Princes Hwy Milton, NSW Australia

Hong Kong | London | New York